The majority of the products that I sell are custom board for low to medium volume customers. I offer a customization service where I provide a custom design based on the existing boards with whatever circuitry you may need. It is inexpensive and worth it if you need more than ten boards of the new design. By the time you buy a hundred boards the cost is only a couple of dollars extra per board to cover the setup and stencil purchases.
I make many different ESP32 based boards and the following peripherals are available to add to a custom design.
Ethernet Connection
Ethernet with Power Over Ethernet, Isolated
OLED and LCD Displays
Accelerometers, Kionix and Bosch devices
Temperature, Humidity, Air pressure and VOC
Battery Chargers, Lead Acid and LiPo some with solar panel support
Real Time Clocks
SD Card sockets
Various Gas Sensors
Motor Drivers and Servo Drivers
High Voltage Power supplies
Customized connectors for industrial use
Many of these parts are purchased in volume and available from my stock.