The last page of the Basic manual lists several firmware levels. How do I get the latest for my EzSBC1 cards and how do I update them ?
Just noticed that the name of this forum is EzSCB1 - not EzSBC1 - just a couple of letters interchanged.
Latest firmware - where can I get it ?
Re: Latest firmware - where can I get it ?
Hi G
It is distributed by email on request. If you want to receive the latest firmware send and email to support@ezsbc.com citing the number on the back of the module and you will receive the new firmware and instructions on how to update the firmware by email.
It is distributed by email on request. If you want to receive the latest firmware send and email to support@ezsbc.com citing the number on the back of the module and you will receive the new firmware and instructions on how to update the firmware by email.